I recently had the fabulous opportunity to travel to Bega High School to teach the teachers!  Teacher Becky Lupton from Bega High had entered the #Cricutyourschool competition and was chosen as the winner from hundreds of entries Australia wide.

5 teachers attended the workshop to learn about the Design Space software and Cricut smart cutting machines.  They took time out of their winter holiday break to make visual displays of positivity and inclusivity. A combination of bespoke designs and Cricut designs, vinyl decals were cut with Cricut smart cutting machines and applied to windows, doors and walls! These motivational designs will welcome the students back to school and encourage and support students, and importantly help them find their classrooms now that they are clearly numbered! As Ms Lupton’s (the winner of the comp) decal says; “So many things are possible just as long as you don’t know they’re impossible”. ❤